Seattle Mushroom School

At Marrowstone Mushrooms, we’re happy to grow and sell you fresh, local mushrooms straight from the Pacific Northwest. But we’re not about keeping secrets. Want to learn how to cultivate your own mushrooms? Check out our Seattle Mushroom School. 

We’ll take you through the basics of mushroom cultivation in the comfort of a small, hands-on environment where you can ask as many questions as you need. Our beginner Seattle mushroom classes cover the mushroom life cycle as well as the basics of home and garden cultivation. 

Whether you’ve been seeking a local mushroom cultivation class or just came across the page and thought it could be fun, give our Seattle Mushroom School a try.

Check back often for updates on new classes and scroll down to see upcoming events.

Upcoming events

  • Introduction to Mushroom Cultivation

    February 9th: Sunday, 6pm-8pm

    March 3rd: Sunday 6pm-8pm

    In Fremont

    3618 Leary Wy NW

    Seattle, WA 98107

    If you have been wanting to grow mushrooms, but don’t know where to start, this class will cover all of the basics and include an at home grow kit of your choice.

    We will cover the mushroom life cycle, factors in successful mushroom cultivation, and briefly go over basic lab set ups and different options for continuing your mycological journey at home.

    We believe in equal access to information. Please send us a message if this course is outside of your financial means we will do our best to accommodate

  • Mushroom Cultivation Consultation (2 hr)

    Available at home or at our facility and catered to your specific interests and needs!

    Are you interested in growing a specific species of mushrooms? Are you working on improving your agar techniques, building a monotub, or to include mushrooms as a part of your home or market garden? We want to meet you where you are at and get you set up for future fungal success.

    We will do a ~15 minute phone consultation prior to booking and figure out you specific mushroom wants/needs and tailor a class to cover the material you are most interest in. Growing materials, media, and supplies will be included at a wholesale price and we’ll get your fungus projects up and running.

    We offer this to up to five folks at a time if you and some friends all want to get together on a Friday night and build your own grow kits, or make your own monotubs, this is a fun option for the whole fungal family.

    We also offer site walks, tours, and consultations for commercial grows. Please reach out to us via phone or email prior to booking so that we can make sure that this class is a good fit for you.